Zello Talks Awards

Zello Talks is our way of celebrating businesses that use Zello to improve their operation. Any customer or partner is eligible to participate.

2023 nominations are now closed.

Winners will be announced soon!

Nomination Categories

  • Less Chatter, More Communication Award

    Tell us how your organization demonstrated improved efficiency using Zello – any and all reductions in time, cost, steps, etc. Don’t forget to share your strategies with the rest of the class.

  • Talk-a-LOT Award

    We love hearing how versatile Zello is for our customers, and we want to know how you do business with Zello. Think about your employees and all the ways they use it, then knock our socks off with a comprehensive list of each specific use within your industry.

  • Talk of the Town Award

    Does your business use Zello in a cool, creative way? Highlight the genius ways you delighted your customers using our product, and don’t leave anything out!

  • Let the Numbers Do the Talking Award

    Zello makes it easy to get things done! Tell us all about your increased productivity – number of customers served, deliveries completed, orders filled, etc. Brag away.

  • Zello Hero Award - Zello for First Responders MVP

    Tell us one of your many hero stories. Your selfless work has changed the world already and we want to hear all about it.

The Prizes

  • Zello Award Trophy

  • Zello Press Release

  • Social Media Announcements

  • Industry Attention

  • Written/Video Case Study

  • Premium custom Zello swag bag and bragging rights, of course!


To submit a nomination for your teammate, your company, or even for yourself, complete the form below and describe your Zello experience. The more return on investment you showcase, the better your chances of winning.

We want to hear all about the Most Valuable Player (MVP) in your organization.

There is no fee to nominate your business for the Zello Talks Awards.

There’ll be panel of industry experts and analyst writers who will judge the event, and winners will be notified before announcements are made public.

2023 nominations are now closed.

Winners will be announced soon!